Our Markets Desk provides insights on assets traded domestically and internationally including Nigerian and US Equities, African Eurobonds, FGN Bonds and Nigerian Treasury Bills.
For investors with the appropriate risk tolerance who are willing and able to, and who are seeking enhanced investment returns, we construct portfolios across various asset classes and provide investment advisory services to safeguard wealth and grow income.
We provide reader-friendly and easy-to-use research reports on the domestic and international financial markets and provide regular updates on the global economy. Our goal is to keep our clients abreast of events that may affect the growth of capital and ensure that they are sufficiently informed to take advantage of opportunities that may arise.
We offer both discretionary (in which we maintain direct responsibility for investment decisions) and non-discretionary (in which we maintain indirect responsibility for investment decisions) portfolio management services to both institutional and retail clients and provide regular reports on portfolio performance versus established benchmarks.